Resilient Sound Isolation Clips

RSIC-1 EXT04 Resilient Sound Isolation Clip
The RSIC-1 EXT04™ is designed for use where an additional drop for HVAC, Plumbing, or Electrical Chases is needed. This clip gives you the flexibility to drop a ceiling as much as 4″ from its original height. The RSIC-1 EXT04™ i s also used to level out uneven floor joists. This clip has proven to be very popular with the Home Theater industry. It creates a dropped ceiling, allowing an open chase for the new wires, all while retaining the superior acoustical performance of the RSIC clips.
- RSIC-1 EXT04 Ceiling System Framing at 24″ O.C. RSIC-1 EXT04 Clips at 24″ × 48″ O.C. 1 or 2 Layers of 5/8″ Gypsum Board
- RSIC-1 EXT04 Ceiling System Framing at 16″ O.C. RSIC-1 EXT04 Clips at 24″ × 48″ O.C. 1 or 2 Layers of 5/8″ Gypsum Board
- RSIC-1 EXT04 Ceiling System Framing at 24″ O.C. RSIC-1 EXT04 Clips at 16″ × 48″ O.C. 3 Layers of 5/8″ Gypsum Board
- RSIC-1 EXT04 Ceiling System Framing at 16 ″ O.C. RSIC-1 EXT04 Clips at 16″ × 48″ O.C. 3 Layers of 5/8″ Gypsum Board
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